MicroPasts: API Help

MicroPasts has a RESTful API that can be used for creating new projects, getting tasks, submitting answers, etc. The API end point is available at:

We recommend the employment of the PyBossa.JS library to develop projects, as it abstracts the low level API calls, providing a more simple and easy to use API. PyBossa.JS is available at the server for every project, but if you prefer to download it you can do it from its official repository.

Projects API end point

For example, if you want to get a list of available projects on this server, you can obtain them by opening the following URL:

Note GET actions are limited to only 20 items by default, you can use limit and offset to tune the number of results. For further information read the documentation.

You can also do queries using the API. For example, search for a specific project:

For more information about the API please, see the documentation and the step by step tutorial that explores the usage of the API.

Tasks API end point

You can get a list of available tasks from the server opening the following URL:

Note GET actions are limited to only 20 items by default, you can use limit and offset to tune the number of results. For further information read the documentation.

You can also do queries using the API. For example, get the tasks for a given project using the project id:

Or for example get a list of completed tasks for a given project (i.e it could return an empty list because there are no tasks completed yet):

For more information about the API please, see the documentation and the step by step tutorial that explores the usage of the API.

Task Runs API end point

You can get a list of available task runs from the server opening the following URL:

Note GET actions are limited to only 20 items by default, you can use limit and offset to tune the number of results. For further information read the documentation.

You can also do queries using the API. For example, get the task runs -in other words the answers for a given task- for a given project using the project id:

For more information about the API please, see the documentation and the step by step tutorial that explores the usage of the API.

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