Shaping the Bronze Age: East Anglian Axes 5

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This application looks to trace the outlines of Bronze Age axes from East Anglia and thereby describe their formal shape, It asks you digitise the shape of bronze axes via your web browser. The resulting axe shapes can be used to establish stylistic and chronological groups in a quantitative way (that help us better to date the Bronze Age and understand regional patterns of metal production, amongst many other benefits).

This particular application used scanned drawings from the Bronze Age Index (that are on cards transcribed by MicroPasts contributors two years ago), plus further photographs from the British Museum's collection and Portable Antiquities Scheme. For each scanned card or photograph, we would like people to find the front-and side-views of the axe and digitise around their outline, before drawing some further simple lines across important 'landmarks' on each axe. These steps should take perhaps ten minutes per axe in total, and a tutorial is provided to help clarify the process. Thanks!

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