This application is a very simple application for the crowd-sourcing of data from archival cards that
have been generated from the Egypt Exploration Society's Amara West digging season 1947 - 1948. Each card contains
very structured data relating to each object recorded, and these data are what we would like you to
The annotated image card below shows you the structured data we'd like you to capture:
Therefore the field list we would like is as follows:
- Title
- Object number
- Negative number
- Provenance
- Distribution
- Other notes
- Annotations (if any).
Once you have transcribed the data, you may see other things that you might like to annotate on the
index card. The viewer has an inbuilt annotation library, which allows you to interact and provide
tags for areas of the image. Click on the annotate button and then draw a rectangle around the area you
would like to annotate. In the box that appears fill in your annotation as shown in the image below.
Finally, you may have comments on the index card, if you do, please fill in the final box and then submit
your contribution. Thank you for taking part.