Transcription of SAL royal consort seals

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Transcribing a selection of the Society of Antiquaries Seal Collection index cards

The Society of Antiquaries of London has a significant collection of over 10,000 seals which have been at the heart of the Society’s activities since its inception in 1707. The seal collection comprises wax seals, ancient cylinder seals and medieval seal matrices, but the most numerous are the seal ‘casts’: early modern impressions taken from wax seals or seal matrices from the 8th to the early 20th century AD. The casts are predominantly English, with a strong Royal emphasis, but also cover municipal, monastic and personal seals.

In some cases the casts are the only surviving record of a seal. The Society would like your help in transcribing the card index catalogue which accompanies these casts. It was initiated in 1912 by H.S. Kingsford, and is the principle source of information about them. By transcribing these cards you will be helping the Society to make information about this important resource available electronically to researchers and the public, as well as helping us to increase public awareness of our collections.

How to transcribe the card index

Transcription of this card index should be relatively easy, although some of the language and terminology might be unclear. A guide to understanding the common language used is included but try to copy the text as closely as possible, and use square brackets ‘[…]’ where any words or parts of words are unclear.

Fields to complete:

  • Name and date
  • Seal type
  • Society Reference
  • Dimensions
  • Description
  • Inscription
  • References
  • Comments

The order of the text on the card might vary along with the level of detail. Some index cards are double sided.

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