This application is very simple and is a transcription based exercise. Our team would like you to write down exactly what you see on each line of the notepad into the table displayed below the zooming image.
Each entry in the note book is similar, 7 fields:
The image that we would like you to transcribe for us, starts at the top of the page and can be scrolled up and down, and zoomed in and out to read more of the contents. We hope that this interface allows you to work on the image concurrently with the text table below the image container.
The table starts off with just 6 rows but will add another automatically when you get to the bottom, up to a maximum of 20 rows.
The image is contained within an interface that allows you to zoom in and out, and even go full screen. Try the controls out, you won't break anything!
As in the Bronze Age index transcription applications, some abbreviations are used. If you see the sign in the image below, it means 'ditto'. So please enter the same as the previous line's entry.
As this is an antiquarian notebook, the measurements are not metric and are in imperial measures. When transcribing, do not attempt to convert the weights or dimensions. Instead please just enter as seen. If you see 3 1/4, then please enter as such. The project team will do the conversions.