This project is simple to do. Each task is one page of the
1906-1907 annual report by the Egypt Exploration Fund. It lists
the name of the donor and the amount that they gave that year.
You can use any web browser to fill in the task.
We are looking for the following information for each
donor (if available):
Heading: These will be at the top of the page or group of
names in a bold font. If no heading is given, please leave
the space blank as it may be on a previous page.
For each donor, the heading needs to be explicity written out
(eg: don't use 'ditto').
Person or institution: For people, please include their
salutation (eg: Dr. or Mrs.), forename and surname. For
institutions, write what you see.
The amount donated: In pounds (£), shillings (s.) and pence (d.)
or in dollars (Dols.)
Comments: You can make your own remarks here if you like
and/or add further information about a particular donor you
think is useful.