This application consists of two parts: transcription and translation. The platform will load a scanned page from the New Forest National Park Authority's 'newsletters' produced by German Prisoners of War (POW) held in Setley Plain POW Camp 65 (stored on the NFNPA Flickr stream). Once the image has been loaded, you will be asked to transcribe and translate the contents of each page. An example portion of a newsletter's page is provided below:
Some further bits of guidance as you transcribe:
- Please transcribe the text as accurately as possible, following the original letter/word case, lines and punctuation.
- Try to enter all the text that you see, in the right order.
- To denote a new line, use the following symbol: [;]. For example, the text in the sample below should be entered this way: LAGER-BERICHT[;]geschrieben und zusammengestellt von[;]Ludwig Mueller Oberlagerfuerer[;]Kurt Sender Stellvertr.[;]Herbert Haukelt Quartiermeister[;]Noch waren wir mitten im Aufbau...
- For special characters, you may insert them as they appear, or as the right equivalent of characters representing them. For example, the name Müller can be transcribed as 'Müller' (with the original Umlaut) or as 'Mueller' (With 'ue' replacing the Umlaut).
- If a word is hard to decipher, do your best to identify it and make a comment to note the problem.
Some translation guidance:
- Please translate this document only if you are fluent in German - do not use Google Translate.
- Translation format should be the same as for transcription. For example, the text in the previous page should be entered as follows: CAMP REPORT[;]written and compiled by[;]Ludwig Mueller Senior Camp Leader[;]Kurt Sender Deputy[;]Herbert Haukelt Quartermaster[;]We were still in the middle of construction...
- As with the transcription, if a word is hard to decipher, do your best to identify it and make a comment to note the problem.
During the transcription and translation, you can always return to this tutorial via the "Tutorial" button.
To find out how the project is progressing, suggest changes to this application or
propose new research ideas based what you have transcribed and translated, please have a look at our community forum.