George Petrie (1818-1875) was a leading Orcadian antiquarian who excavated numerous archaeological sites. His notebooks contain important information omitted from published accounts.
We need you to tag each page of his notebook to identify sites, dates and describe illustrations of sites and artefacts. There's no need to transcribe all the text. To tag a page, use your mouse to draw a box around the area of interest and then enter your comment, such as a date or site name. For illustrations please provide a description, e.g. 'measured sketch of Skara Brae' or 'Pencil illustration of a bone pin from Skara Brae'. Not all illustrations are labeled so if in doubt add a question mark.
If you've added the marker in the wrong place by mistake, don't worry, you can move the marker by clicking on it.
Petrie's handwriting can be challenging to read and he had a habit of writing at all angles across the page, but please attempt tag site names and dates. The images can be enlarged by opening the page in flickr using the button on the top bar.
Petrie's notebooks have some annotations from Sir Henry Dryden, occasionally initialed 'H.D.'
Please only move on to the next page when you have completed all tasks. Please contact if you have any questions