This application is very simple (but unfortantely cannot as yet be done on mobile devices). When you participate, the platform will load a photograph of a Bronze Age metal artefact from the Arreton Down Hoard (Isle of Wight). Once the image has been loaded, you will be asked to click around the edge of the artefact in order to define a polygon outline. Click once every time you wish to add a point along the edge of the polygon and your final point will snap back onto the one you started with. You can draw one polygon around the entire object or instead draw a series of overlapping polygons if you prefer. In general, we would like you to draw your polygon(s) very slightly inside the actual edge of the artefact. This is because we don't want background pixels near this edge to create a fuzzy border, and we don't need to worry so much about losing a bit of the artefact edge, as the missing few pixels are very likely to appear in one of the other photographs (at least 40 overlapping photographs are likely to exist for each object to support the construction of the 3d model). The only situation where we would like you to be a bit more careful is when you are going around the border of what looks like a very thin edge (e.g) such as the blade of a weapon). In such cases, rather than losing any of the artefact edge, please be as precise as possible. An example of a successful outline is shown below:
In a few cases, there might be one or more holes in the object shown in the photograph (e.g. inside the loop of a handle), and you can click on the "Holes" button to be given an opportunity to draw these in, as a second step, after you have created the initial outline around the object. During the task, you can always return to this tutorial via the "Help" button.
To find out how the project is progressing, to suggest changes to this application or to propose new research ideas based what you have transcribed, please have a look at our community forum.