Username: nadiamurrieta
Rank: 15 of with a Score of 1104 contributed tasks
Joined: 2017-03-07
A video-tagging application for the Ancient Identities Today research project.
A transcription project of the postcard collection for the Department of the Middle East, British Museum.
A transcription project for the British Museum's SoundCloud channel.
Gathering radiocarbon dates from Swiss archaeological fieldwork reports
Gathering radiocarbon dates from Spanish archaeological fieldwork reports
Photo-masking an architectural element from the Las Plassas castle, Sardinia
Photo-masking an Egyptian Sphinx Gallery 4 British Museum
Photo-masking a model from the British Museum Egyptian collection
Photo Masking a Bronze Age socketed axehead
Photo Masking a Bronze Age flanged axehead
Translating a German language newspaper from New Forest Setley Plain POW Camp 65
Transcription of site catalogue cards from the Montpelier excavations
Transcription of excavation logs, Fort Snelling